Jeff Soto

Jeff has a very colorful and intricate work. Seeing the images on a wall definitely makes them seem like graffiti but other pictures just look like normal drawings. It is really interesting the vibrant colors he used, it catches the attention of anyone especially with the grey background. His work stands outs out either in paper or in a wall but most of it is very detailed where it seems it could be in a movie animation.

Martina Lopez

Martina Lopez is an artist who shows her emotions and keeps her memories alive through her photographs. She plays around with his families photographs and puts a different beautiful backgrounds to those old pictures. This pictures have sentimental feelings for her yet she made them more beautiful. The memories of her parents and her brother are still alive in a more vivid way.

Haziz and Cucher

These series of work were super interesting. It is very intricate and it really makes you think. When the facial features of a person is taken away, an essence will be missing. A person will be less likely to be themselves without their facial expressions. When talking it is important to see facial expression because that enhances conversations and causes no confusion during it. The portraits are very interesting because it is really because it makes you think what it would be like without any facial features.

Denis Darzacq

His pieces of art were very different for me. It made it seem like the people were floating in the supermarket. They were all young people who also seemed like dancers. One thing that stuck out to me is that some pictures seemed like the people were being burst out in air like they had been hit. The expression that radiates from the dancers is that they were free to do any move but it is very weird that the people don’t have shadows under them.

Teun Hocks

Hocks has very similar pictures shown. The very last ones of his folder seemed to be different men with posing in the same way, with different animal heads and holding different instrument, all with the same exact background. He also has the two men where one is blowing smoke to the other which seems to be adding a bit of humor into this whole set of pictures. All of these seemed to be of males doing different things in which I found very interesting. I couldn’t really understand the point of most of these pictures but it did seem like Hocks was just being creative and had different camera tricks to create these photos.

Erik Johansson

I was really intrigued by Johansson’s work when I first went through them. Most of them have a gloomy tone to it not because of the colors but because of the vibe it gives. Some of the pictures give you something to think about in your every day life. The pieces also change on the point of view that each person looks at it. His work is similar to Magritte and Escher because of how abstract they are but there is noticeable that Johansson’s work was more influenced by the work of Escher. These both were pieces of art that had optical illusions in them in which it could be many different things depending on the person who sees it.